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Campus Safety a Critical Consideration in College Choice: Survey Reveals Student Concerns

The safety of college campuses has become a significant factor in the decision-making process for current and prospective students, according to a recent survey conducted by BestColleges. With 65% of respondents expressing apprehension regarding school shootings, it's evident that safety concerns weigh heavily on the minds of today's students.

The survey, which polled 1,000 current and prospective undergraduate and graduate students, found that 60% of participants considered campus safety when selecting their college. This underscores the growing importance of safety measures in higher education institutions.

Campus Safety a Critical Consideration in College Choice: Survey Reveals Student Concerns
Campus Safety a Critical Consideration in College Choice: Survey Reveals Student Concerns

Despite the prevalence of safety worries, nearly three-quarters of current college students report feeling secure on their campus. However, over half of these students believe that their college should be doing more to ensure their safety, indicating that there is still room for improvement in campus security protocols.

Campus Safety a Critical Consideration in College Choice: Survey Reveals Student Concerns
Campus Safety a Critical Consideration in College Choice: Survey Reveals Student Concerns

Stricter gun control laws and increased police presence are among the measures that students believe would enhance campus safety. A notable 63% of respondents assert that stricter gun control laws would make them feel safer, while 65% express confidence in the presence of campus police officers to bolster their sense of security.

Nevertheless, there are disparities in safety perceptions among different student demographics. Regional variations exist, with students in the West expressing greater concern about campus safety than those in other regions.

Despite these concerns, colleges have made efforts to educate students about campus safety measures and emergency procedures. The majority of current students report being subscribed to their school's campus alert system, indicating a proactive approach to staying informed about potential safety threats.

Overall, the survey findings highlight the complex interplay between student safety concerns, institutional responses, and demographic factors. As incidents of gun violence persist and Campus Safety Awareness Month draws attention to safety issues, ensuring the security of college campuses remains a top priority for students and institutions alike.


The survey was conducted from July 7-13, 2022, and involved 1,000 respondents nationwide currently enrolled in or planning to enroll in undergraduate or graduate degree programs. Respondents, aged 16-65, were pursuing or planning to pursue degrees ranging from associate to doctoral or professional levels. Quality checks were implemented to ensure the accuracy and consistency of responses.

Editorial: Addressing the Need for Conflict Resolution Training on Campus

Conflict is an inevitable part of human interaction, and nowhere is this more evident than on college campuses. With diverse student populations, varying ideologies, and competing interests, conflicts can arise in myriad forms, from disagreements between roommates to tensions within student organizations.

In light of this reality, it's imperative that colleges and universities prioritize conflict resolution training as an essential component of campus life.

First and foremost, conflict resolution skills are essential life skills that extend far beyond the campus environment. By equipping students with the tools to navigate conflicts effectively, colleges empower them to succeed in their personal and professional lives beyond graduation. Whether in the workplace, community, or family setting, the ability to communicate effectively, manage emotions, and find mutually beneficial solutions is invaluable.

Moreover, conflict resolution training fosters a campus culture of respect, understanding, and collaboration. When students are equipped with the skills to address conflicts constructively, they are less likely to resort to aggression, hostility, or avoidance. Instead, they can engage in open dialogue, actively listen to opposing viewpoints, and work towards mutually acceptable resolutions. This not only promotes a positive campus climate but also cultivates the essential qualities of empathy, tolerance, and empathy.

Furthermore, conflict resolution training serves as a proactive measure to prevent and mitigate campus conflicts before they escalate into more serious issues. By providing students with the knowledge and skills to identify and address conflicts early on, colleges can prevent tensions from spiraling out of control and disrupting the learning environment.

Additionally, conflict resolution training can help students develop a deeper understanding of the root causes of conflicts, whether they stem from cultural differences, power imbalances, or misunderstandings.

Incorporating conflict resolution training into the college curriculum can take various forms, from workshops and seminars to courses and peer mediation programs. These initiatives can be tailored to address specific campus dynamics and cater to the needs of diverse student populations. By integrating conflict resolution education into the fabric of campus life, colleges demonstrate their commitment to fostering a safe, inclusive, and harmonious community for all.

Conflict resolution training is not merely a desirable add-on to the college experience; it is a fundamental necessity for cultivating responsible, engaged, and resilient citizens. By investing in conflict resolution education, colleges and universities can empower students to navigate conflicts effectively, promote a culture of respect and collaboration, and create a campus environment conducive to learning and growth. It's time for colleges to recognize the importance of conflict resolution training and take proactive steps to integrate it into campus life.

Together, let's build campuses where conflicts are opportunities for growth and understanding, rather than obstacles to progress.

Conflict Resolution Strategies and Self Defense Resources

The Center for Violence Prevention and Self Defense (CVPSD) is a non profit 501(C)(3) with a mission to stop violence by educating at-risk people and empower them with the skills needed to protect themselves by providing online and live training. 

Through workshops and seminars we educate participants about violence prevention and guide them on assessing risk factors while establishing boundaries in relationships. Additionally practical self defense classes equip people with hands on skills and effective strategies to prevent and intervene in cases of assault. CVPSD reaches individuals and communities through partnerships with schools and other nonprofits, community groups, as well as classes for the public.

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